How to Pick the Right Paint Color for your Furniture Project
(Porch Nook color on coffee table: Marigold)
Imagine this—you've just scored the garage sale finds of the year and fell in love because you, and you alone, knew their full potential. By applying just a few coats of furniture paint you will become the envy of the neighborhood…it’s going to be AWESOME! However, a few days past, your aspiration-fever subsides, the piece of your dreams begins to collect dust. Why?! You cannot decide which color would look best in your home and unable to escape then endless cycle of self-doubt.
Raise your hand if you’ve been there. Me? Yes…countless times! Finding the bandwidth required to nail down a color can be difficult. The good news is you have creative momentum NOW, so let's not lose it!
In general, this is how I break through my life’s apprehensions?
- Only do, or compliment, what you love.
- When you are excited about an opportunity, act immediately!
- Remember your intuition is your strongest tool …trust it!
Now, let's take that mindset and check out the four techniques I personally use to help nail down which color(s) to apply to a furniture piece. I hope you find them helpful:
#1 Follow the Pattern
Choose a color scheme from the LARGEST pattern in your existing space. If you've got patterned upholstery, a colorful rug or large piece of artwork, pluck colors you like from that pattern.
(Porch Nook colors, starting on left: Charcoal, Ol' Faithful, Sublime, Chance of Rain)
#2 Look in the Mirror
Take a cue from your clothes. Most people buy clothes in colors they like to wear and they look good in. Similarly, you should dress your rooms in colors that flatter you.
(Porch Nook colors, starting on top: Clover, Fuchsia's So Bright, Cashew, Ol' Faithful)
#3 Pick a Monochromatic Look
Shine the spotlight on your favorite color by filling a small space, like a bathroom, with just that hue. Balanced with white walls and floors, this saturated shade is eye-catching but not overpowering.
(Porch Nook colors, starting on top: Clover, Ol' Faithful)
#4 Follow the Rule of Three
Limiting your palette to just three colors is a can't-miss strategy in any space. In this cheery bedroom, saturated shades of yellow, dark blue and green feel fresh, preppy and always on trend.
(Porch Nook colors, starting on left: After Midnight, Butter Me Up, Sugar Snap Pea)
Ultimately, if you are truly drawn to a color, regardless if it ties in with your existing decor, I feel you should go for it! I honestly do! Life is way too short and we should only surround ourselves with what brings us joy. Don't you agree?