Private Furniture Painting Lesson

Ready to work on your first masterpiece but feeling a little hesitant? I know there are a lot of steps involved when painting a piece of furniture…it can feel overwhelming. Allow me to personally assist you in the comfort of your own home. Together, using Porch Nook Furniture Paint, we will turn your vision into a reality!

Purchase this full tutorial here.



Class includes:

  • Two (2) hours of instruction
    • Full coverage and dry brush painting techniques
    • Sanding
    • Distressing
    • Sealing with wax vs. polycrylic
  • One (1) 16 liquid ounce jar of Porch Nook Paint
  • One (1) chippy paint brush
  • One (1) Porch Nook Furniture Paint Brush
  • Two (2) foam brushes in different sizes
  • Two (2) practice swatch boards
  • One (1) 4 liquid ounce jar of polycrylic sealant
  • One (1) 9”x11” sheet of 220 grade sandpaper
  • Steel wool

It is recommended the following supplies are acquired by the student before the day of the class:

Total Cost - $550.00 for the first person, $250.00 for the second person (plus travel fee). Maximum of two people, please.