Porch Nook | Product testing/photography rules and guidelines
To assure consistency, all Artists are asked to present at the same level of quality standards. It is important to note that adherence to these rules and guidelines will be taken into account when final photography furnished by the Artist is reviewed.
The Application Process
- Please complete the online application form along with agreement to comply with all terms, rules and guidelines.
- Artists will be informed of their acceptance within 14 days of the application’s receipt.
If Approved
Artists will be given the opportunity to create their best work without being limited to one technique. Keeping in mind that showcasing Porch Nook’s paint color is the priority, utilizing different brushes, sponges, crackle effects, clear and antiquing sealants is strongly encouraged.
- At least one (1) 15.5 fl. oz. jar of Porch Nook chalky finish paint will be shipped to an approved Artist free of charge. Porch Nook reserves the right to decide which paint color is shipped to the Artist.
- Within 30 days of receiving the paint, it is expected that the Artist will 1) apply the Porch Nook paint onto at least one (1) piece of “Qualified Furniture” where Porch Nook’s product(s) is the prominent feature, 2) photograph the completed piece of “Qualified Furniture”, and then 3) supply that photography to Porch Nook via email at kristin@porchnook.com.
- “Qualified Furniture” is made of 90% solid wood; Items made of particleboard are excluded.
- “Qualified Furniture” items include benches, bookcases, headboard & footboard, cabinet, credenza, end tables, dining tables, armoires, chairs, coffee tables, chests and dressers. If the Artist wants to apply the paint to an item(s) not represented on this list, it is recommended to seek approval from Porch Nook before work commences.
- Photography supplied by the Artist is expected to appear professional and in high resolution
- Furniture will be photographed in focus and with lighting that discourages deep shadows.
- Furniture staging will occur indoors in a tasteful manor, displaying the piece within context of its intended use.
- The decision as to whether or not to prop the furniture will be deferred to the Artist.
- Artists are welcome to include a watermark of their name, or business name, on final submitted photography as long as the focus remains on furniture piece used to showcase Porch Nook’s paint
If the Artist is unable to perform his/her obligations covered by these RULES AND GUIDELINES, Porch Nook reserves the right to recoup the retail value of the paint that was shipped to the Artist. If the Artist fails to pay any undisputed amount with 7 days of invoice receipt, Artist will be charged such fees and/or interest (if any) as may be imposed by Law.
By submitting electronically your application using the “Submit” button of the online "Artist Application" form, you agree to the terms of this Consent Form.