Porch Nook | The Best Furniture Paint Brushes

The Best Furniture Paint Brushes

I’ll be honest… It was like going on a string of bad dates, with each paint brush promising to be “the one”, only to end in disappointment… and loose bristle in my freshly painted piece (ugh!). I was tired and I just wanted something that would commit to saving me money and time, complement the Porch Nook furniture paint line, and make my projects look amazing. Was that too much to ask for?!

So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and created my own line of brushes that are affordable, durable, can hold a lot of paint, and environmentally friendly.

Porch Nook | The Best Furniture Paint Brushes

But seriously, these are the reasons why my Porch Nook paint brushes will be the only brush you’ll see me using while you walk by studio (which is just a fancy word for my garage).

  1. They are smarter than the average brush. They hold more paint resulting more time used painting rather than reloading the brush. Also, these brushes are made with materials that are specifically designed for water and latex-based paint, like Porch Nook Furniture Paint, which are more versatile and vibrant.
  2. They are environmentally friendly. These brushes are made with synthetic bristles that are easy to clean with just soap and water. No harsh chemicals or solvents needed. Plus, the kiln-dried white birch handle is sustainable and environmentally friendly.
  3. They will set you up for success! With the Furniture Painting and Wax Finish Brush and the Stencil Brush Set, you'll feel like a professional painter, even if you've never painted a piece of furniture in your life. Just imagine the awe and admiration in your friends' and family's eyes when they see the stunning results of your hard work.

To learn more about each brush, visit the following links:

Happy decorating!

Porch Nook | The Best Furniture Paint Brushes


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